How to make SATA HDD as master and slave - TechSpot Forums Hi, I have 2 SATA Hard drives. In one of my Hard drive, boot sector went bad. So I will not be able to boot boot into my computer using that hard...
Computer will not boot-"no hard drive detected" - WindowsBBS Forum Hello, charlesvar, I followed your instructions, but have not had any luck. The computer's hard drive is not being recognized. I checked the BIOs and even reset them to default, but no luck. Whenever I try to start the computer, I get a black screen that
Event ID - 51 - An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk0\D during a paging oper I have just started getting event ID 51 problems. The system is XP home, AMD 3000+. On IDE primary I have a WD 160GB disk. On IDE secondary, the master is a generic 4X DVD burner. The slave is a 16X DVD rom. I have also recently added a 160GB disk on the
IDE To SATA Adapter problem - CNET Storage Forums Hi My mobo - foxconn 945 - has only one ide connector with ide hdd as master and dvd writer attached as slave. I need more storage and have a seagate barracuda ide hdd in stock. I have only sata ports available 4 in number. Using an ide to sata convertor
開機時,NO IDE Master HDD Detected - Yahoo!奇摩知識+
本人開機嘟一下出現No IDE Master H.D.D Detected! press F1 to ... 本人開機嘟一下出現No IDE Master H.D.D Detected! press F1 to Resume請幫忙指教小弟一下,謝謝!
"No IDE Master HDD Detected"的解决办法 - Forece Blog 行動版 - 2009年8月23日 - 开机出现“No IDE Master H.D.D Detected! Press F1 to resume” 的解决方法其实很简单, ...
NO IDE Master H.D.D. Detected - IT-Cherry 行動版 - 2014年3月21日 - 處理華碩PC一直困擾我很久的問題"NO IDE",. 下面是開機後停留在黑白畫面出現的訊息, ...
百度知道搜索_NO IDE master H.D.D Detected怎么回事? 1,503条结果 - No IDE Master H.D.D Detected !没有检测到IDE主盘可能是因为跳线设置或者硬盘没有连接 ...
百度知道搜索_这是什么意思??"No IDE Master H.D.D Detected " 253条结果 - No IDE Master H.D.D Detected !没有检测到IDE主盘可能是因为跳线设置或者硬盘没有连接好 ...